Improve your golf game
If you like to golf, you should do Pilates! This may be the first time that you have heard this, but it is more common than you think. How does a great golfer build their body to perform golf movements? Golf Pilates is that exact answer. Our studio is bringing this great program to the local area of Wake Forest, NC. Every year, more golfers move to the area or a new golfer is born. However, most people don’t know about the injuries that can occur by practicing golf without the right support. Golf Pilates is a set of exercises that improves your golf game and helps minimize the risk of injury. Golf is fun and a great sport, but it demands more of the body than the average person realizes.
Golf Pilates targets endurance, core strength and flexibility. On the golf course, your body does many movements from hitting the ball, turning and leaning to other small strenuous tasks. Not only that, you must perform these movements over and over. This leads to a one-sided strain on your joints and muscles causing wear and tear. There is a growing trend of golfers looking to Pilates as the answer including golf legends and even our local weekend hitters here in Wake Forest.